After some experiences on the 11m band,
I made my licence 1997 and my first call was DG1NGP, i owned
the so called "c-licence" (cept class2) where we are
allowed to work only on 2m and 70cm bands. I got a new callsign
only three months later, after my decicion to upgrade to the
cept class1 and so called "b-licence" by learning
CW inbetween 3 months.
DH1NGP at "work"!
(click to enlarge)
I am a member of
the D.A.R.C.,
the german amateur radio club, my district is B02 (OV Ansbach).
pictures of my computerized shack and my mobile station:
(click to enlarge)
to enlarge)

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73 de Peter, DH1NGP