
              Copyright (C) 1993 - 1997   Masahito Yamaga

Permission to use, copy, and distribute these patches and their
documentation for any purpose is granted, provided that this permission
notice is included in supporting documentation.

Permission to modify these patches is granted, but please send an e-mail to
Yamaga (yamaga@ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp) if you want to distribute the modified code.

These patches provide no warranty. You can use these only at your own risk.

Copyrights on these patches belong to Masahito Yamaga, but GNUPLOT's to
Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley.

Distribution of GNUPLOT (both source code and binary) that is already patched
by patches is strictly forbidden.

                         1997/01/07 Masahito Yamaga(yamaga@ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp)